Personal Use of Smart voip

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There are two distinct categories of Smart voip users - consumers and businesses. The requirements of the two groups are vastly different. Personal use of smart voip can take many forms and reflects the underlying flexibility of the Internet. Depending on one's requirements, there are various ways to set up and use a smart voip network in one's home.
If you have a smartphone, the most direct way to use smart voip at home is a service that allows you to connect to external telephone numbers and provides you with one of your own. This is a replacement for the traditional PSTN phone system. Skype is just one example of a product that people mainly use to talk to existing contacts. Their phone offerings are less well known. If you visit the app store for your operating system - be it iOS or Android - you will find a large number of robust smart voip applications that provide this functionality. TruPhone is another popular product.
Another way to use Smart voip is to restrict it only for calling a close circle of friends. This technique allows you to make calls to a certain number of people for free as long as they're using the same product. Viber is one such popular example that makes use of the contacts in your existing phone book. If any of those individuals installed fiber on their own smart phone, the facility to make a direct and free Internet call to them will become available. This kind of limited smart voip interaction restricted only to known users is gaining in popularity as it is a hassle free way to keep up with each other.
Finally, if you truly desire the closest replacement to the traditional PSTN phone system, you can go for a standardized SIP service from a smart voip provider. This last option will allow you to use your Smart voip number with any number of internet-enabled devices regardless of platform and also allows you to make free calls to any other SIP user on the planet as long as you have their SIP address. This makes your Smart voip service future proof and links you up to a large number of SIP users worldwide. It's just like email. The more people who use it, the better it becomes.
In the long run, the SIP smart voip standard needs to become the dominant way of using smart voip - only then will be be able to break the monopoly of the PSTN phone system and truly democratize communications for everyone.