Thanks to accessories like Google Cardboard and Samsung's Gear VR, using a smartphone to enter a virtual reality world has become relatively simple. However, those options have the limitation of being available to use only with Android, leaving iOS users wondering what it would be like to access something similar on their device. Here's where a new Indiegogo campaign comes in. Pinć VR is a novel peripheral which, along with a companion application, can morph your iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus into a virtual reality headset (similar to what Gear VR does with the Galaxy Note 4).
But Pinć VR does more than that, since it comes with two digital finger rings that let you perform multi-touch gestures and control elements around you. Cordon, the firm behind the project, says the idea with Pinć was to build it on "the concept of spatial computing," as it looks to make it possible (and easy) for iOS users to experience immersive VR. The Indiegogo page just went live yesterday, so there's still plenty of time for you to pitch in -- a $99 contribution is enough to, if all goes according to plan, get your very own in due time.
Smart Voip: James Potter