Conflict between the old and the new

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   We heard some people wondering out loud whether or not dedicated VoIP hardware has become obsolete.
      They understand why anyone might think PBX systems and physical phone handsets are going the way of the dinosaur. In the event you need to write a hot-button article on communication expertise that people will knee-jerk agree with, all without having to give the subject much thought, all you need to do is say "telephones are dead!" and leave it at that.
       But the thing is... this whole discussion of the future of dedicated phone expertise is much more complex than those seemingly self-evident doom-and-gloom predictions make it sound.
      Technologies Never Become Obsolete When TV first arrived in American homes pundits declared the death of movies. Movies, band tours and public transportation all survived the birth of seemingly superior technologies for a simple reason- they meet needs and provide experiences their potential replacements do not. And the same is true of traditional phone expertise. A smart VOIP technique or a phone handset meets needs that communication application installed onto a laptop computer or a tablet never could, and never will be able to.
       It is stylish to discuss the "inevitable death" of a staple expertise (such as a phone handset), but at the finish of the day these deaths very never happen. Practical, functional, convenient, cost-effective technologies that meet actual needs very never die, even in the face of their supposedly superior "replacements." So the next time you read an article telling you to throw out your phone handsets and never look back, keep in mind that even logical sounding apocalypse-level predictions never appear to come true.