Smart Voip : Amazon will now deliver to your local Post Office

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Amazon Post Office Collection

As Amazon prepares for another bumper Christmas, the internet giant has been doing all it can to ensure its logistics are in order. Just over a week ago, it debuted free same-day delivery for Prime members, striking a blow against high street retailers, but today it's unveiled it's biggest delivery coup yet. Amazon customers can now choose to have their orders shipped to their local Post Office, after the two companies announced that 10,500 Post Office locations will be added to the retailer's Pickup Location Programme. That means Amazon now has an impressive 16,000 pickup points in the UK.

While today's announcement is big for Amazon, in terms of expanding its delivery footprint, it'll likely benefit the Post Office even more. Just last week, the company warned investors that Amazon's own delivery service had the potential to wipe out half of the growth of total UK parcel volumes over the next two years. However, with Amazon now on board, it will invite more customers to its branches and provide a welcome service for UK consumers. Because Amazon knows where it's bread is buttered, it's only making free deliveries to Post Offices for Prime members. If you haven't signed up for Amazon's premium subscription, you'll be charged First Class delivery rates instead.

[Image credit: Bob Walker, Flickr]

Smart Voip: James Potter